RD Web Themes

Custom Features

These are some custom features we offer in general. However we are not limited to it where we can build a custom feature of your choice by listening to your requirement.


This feature lets you post all your important messages, news and announcements on both login and after login pages of your Custom RD Web Access interface. You can manage these short messages from the IAdmin back end using options like post, edit, delete, activate and deactivate. It is possible that you can post announcements on AD group based or OU based.

Web Links

This utility allows you to present your important links, resources on both login and after login pages of your Custom RD Web Access Interface. The IAdmin interface allows you to post, edit, delete, activate and deactivate the links. This can be called as company links, web links, bookmarks or useful resources. This can be managed on group or OU based.

My Folder

Let your user explore his shared folder directly from the web interface. Users can upload/download or delete files from the web interface. This let your user copy files easier from local to Remote systems. We named it as My Folder but you can rename to Explorer, My Files, My Documents are anything you wish.

Forgot Password

This option is placed on your RD Web Access login page which helps user to reset password and recover their password by self when they have forgot their original password. It works in the similar fashion of how most Forgot Password reset flow works in web.

Password Reset – Admin

This is an IAdmin back end module which allows administrator to reset a user password and send the new password via email. The module clearly validates against your AD password policy and allows you reset the password of a user in a single step. The feature saves lot time by avoiding the need of logging into Active Directory system.

Create Active Directory users – Admin

This is an IAdmin module that lets your administrators to create your active directory users from the web interface itself. You can create users with all user information such as company, email, title, phone and others. You can assign them to specific OU and groups as well. Once created user will be receiving an email with username and randomly generated password.

Custom Message for Locked Users

RD Web doesn’t provide you specific message during if the user is locked. Our custom module can enhance the login error message and provide specific custom message for locked users. (Ex: Your Account has been locked, contact Administrator)

Social widgets integration

You can integrate your Twitter feed or Facebook widget into your RD Web page. The widget settings can be managed via IAdmin back end.

RSS widget

The tiny widget allows you to show a RSS news feed on your login page and/or after login page. The RSS feed URL can be simply managed from the IAdmin back end module.

Active Directory information

An information utility that displays the logged in user information pulled from Active Directory. Last logged in time, Email Id, Phone, Title, Department and Company are some useful information to display on the page. You can also display any other user information from Active Directory.

OWA Integration

This enabled single sign on facility to login to OWA (Email) from your RD Web Access interface. User doesn’t need to sign in again at OWA login when they are already signed in at RD Web Access. We can also integrate SSO for any other email system.


Administrators can upload the documents on AD group based which will be available to users for download or read. It can be PDF, MS Word, text files or anything else. Admin can add, edit, delete and sort the documents order at any time. This useful feature lets you share your documents like training materials, user guides, reports, company handbooks or other manuals among your users in a group based manner.


The feature allows you to provide downloadable tools inside the RD Web Access interface. That may be corporate tools, utilities, software patches or desktop clients. You can upload any format of applications, executable files, compressed zip files or any other formats from the IAdmin module and distribute them to your uses in a group based manner.

Videos Module

You can place number of videos into the RD Web interface and show them on AD user/group based. It is very useful when you want to place your training videos or other information videos to your staffs/users. You can integrate youtube, video or other video streaming platforms and all of them can be managed from the IAdmin back end using the options such as Add, Edit, Delete and Sort.

Login Widget

You RD Web login page can be bundled as a tiny widget which you can integrate on your website or in other web apps. The widget functions the same as how RD Web login functions but with more simplified look to implement into a web page.

Other Widgets

These are some widgets we can integrate on your login and/or after login pages of your custom RD Web Access portal. These are just few widgets as example but you can come up with your own options to make your custom RD Web interface richer look.

IAdmin (Interface Admin Management Module)

IAdmin is a free module ships with your custom interface package which runs as a separate website. It helps you to manage all your custom features. Example, you can add, edit, delete and sort your announcements or web links using this module. The features like Password Reset By Admin, Create AD Users are IAdmin specific modules. You can also manage email template that is sent during the password reset or user creation from the IAdmin module. We can also add any additional CMS modules such as Manage logos, Manage Promo Banners, or Manage Branding Elements (that let’s you manage your custom logo, background image) or anything you need upon your specific request. The IAdmin has an option called Web Encrypt/Decrypt which provides additional security by allowing you to encrypt your SQL/LDAP connection strings in your web config file.

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