LC Web


(LC Web) License Web is a web based Licensing portal that can be used for your Product Activation process. The portal provides environment where you can create product keys including trial keys with trial duration, monitor and manage the activation process. The portal provides environment where you can create product keys including trial keys with trial duration, monitor and manage the activation process.

Why License Web?

If you are a product owner such as providing desktop software, server application, appliances, games or any type of digital products that needs a web based activation process, then license web is for you.  License Web is suitable for any product(s) that needs activation management through online. You can focus on the core part of your product development where license web can help you and simplify your product activation process. License Web can be used as your Key inventory or a key generation utility as well. It has configurable rule for Key generation.

Features of License Web:

Create Keys

You can create keys manually from the front end login or push keys from your ecommerce or other portals using REST API. You just need to call addKeys endpoint with few mandatory fields such as product code, email and product key. Perhaps you can pass more info like customer name, trial info, expiration date and few more.

Import Keys

You can import keys in bulk using an excel file with few mandatory inputs. You can flexibly prepare your excel file with keys for multiple products and import once.

Filters and Search

Key list can be flexibly filtered using status, created between and updated between using the filters provided on top. Search will give you more ability to find out a key using product key, product name, product code or customer name.

Action Log

Action log provides you the complete history of each key from the entry, activation, deactivation or any status that has been performed against a key with data stamp. This helps your support users as well admin to track the history of each key.

Key Auto Generation Rule

Customize the key generation rule on your own like Alpha only, Number only or Alpha numeric along with special characters.  You can also set the key format to only with lower case, upper case or mixed case. You can assign a break character such as – or _ and break per characters hence completely form a key format into a pattern you prefer.

Email Templates

You can send emails during various actions such as new key creation, activation, deactivation, expire notification and more. All these emails are customizable including short codes to bind dynamic values on fly.

Email Delivery

Setup your email delivery through SMTP, Gmail Oauth or office 365 Oauth. We covered almost all generic methods here.

AD Integration

Integrate with your Active Directory and map groups to the roles hence your user management is easier. However you can still create and manage users at License Web itself. License Web can handle mixed user mode where it can work with both local and AD Users in parallel.

API & Routing

The routes for both your REST API endpoints as well front end portals can be customized on your own.  Thus you can secure the portal and API endpoints more securely. For example, /supportlogin/ can be set as frontend portal and /myapi/ can set as API route. License Web uses Key pair mechanism where you can create number of key pairs and use on product specific or keep changing by creating new key pairs.

API Interface:

API Interface is a front end interface for your REST API Endpoints which is built based on swagger UI. It gives you more clarity about your end points as well allow you to test them all. You can turn on/off of your API Interface at any time.


The core of the License Web is it’s REST API endpoints which are built to meet all scenarios and requirements. These are endpoints that can be used to achieve your key management and product activation goals.

  • addKeys
  • activateLicense
  • deactivateLicense
  • getLicenseStatus
  • setTrialInfo
  • getTrialInfo
  • setExpiresAt
  • getExpiresAt
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