LC Web

REST API Endpoints

Add Keys
POST http(s)://

Use this endpoint to add new product key(s).


productName (string) (Optional): The name of the product.

productCode(string)(Required):The Code of the Product.

customerName (string) (Optional): The customer’s name.

email(string)(Required):The customer’s email address.

productKey(string)(Required):The product key to be activated.

isTrial (boolean) (Optional): Indicates whether the product key is for a trial version.

duration (integer) (Optional): Duration for which the product key is valid (in minutes).

uid (string) (Optional): Unique identifier for the request.

sendEmail (boolean) (Optional): Whether an email should be sent to the customer.

expireAt (string or null) (Optional): Expiration date for the product key in ISO 8601 format (e.g., “2024-12-31T23:59:59Z”).


Success Response:

Status Code: 200 OK

Body: Describes the success message or the result of the request.

Error Response:

Status Code: 4xx or 5xx (depending on the type of error)

Body: Describes the error message and possibly error codes.

Example cURL Command
curl --location 'http(s)://' \
--header 'ApiKey: fPAivCybDEygnaFeifQqZaD8lVXy45warBYRqRo0kgrVszmC7Q' \
--header 'ApiSecret: fvts9N2e5bmxwlDaQgyKiC47j7oxzUyuIqLxYwG1D9mjy2LFWr' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[
"productName": "lcweb",
"productCode": "lcweb",
"customerName": "Ben Williams",
"email": "",
"productKey": "ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-010B",
"isTrial": false,
"duration": 0,
"uid": "2K-3G-70-CI-9X-70",
"sendEmail": true,
"expireAt": "2024-12-31T23:59:59Z",
Activate License
PATCH http(s)://

Use this endpoint to activate the product key.


productCode(string)(Required):The Code of the Product.

email (string)(Required):The customer’s email address.

productKey(string)(Required):The product key to be activated.

uid (string) (Optional): Unique identifier for the request.


Success Response:

Status Code: 200 OK

Body: Describes the success message or the result of the request.

Error Response:

Status Code: 4xx or 5xx (depending on the type of error)

Body: Describes the error message and possibly error codes.

Example cURL Command
curl --location 'http(s)://' \
--header 'ApiKey: fPAivCybDEygnaFeifQqZaD8lVXy45warBYRqRo0kgrVszmC7Q' \
--header 'ApiSecret: fvts9N2e5bmxwlDaQgyKiC47j7oxzUyuIqLxYwG1D9mjy2LFWr' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
"productCode": "lcweb",
"email": "",
"productKey": "ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-010B",
"uid": "2K-3G-70-CI-9X-70"
Deactivate License
PATCH http(s)://

Use this endpoint to deactivate the product key.


productCode(string)(Required):The Code of the Product.

email (string)(Required):The customer’s email address.

productKey(string)(Required):The product key to be deactivated.


Success Response:

Status Code: 200 OK

Body: Describes the success message or the result of the request.

Error Response:

Status Code: 4xx or 5xx (depending on the type of error)

Body: Describes the error message and possibly error codes.

Example cURL Command
curl --location 'http(s)://' \
--header 'ApiKey: fPAivCybDEygnaFeifQqZaD8lVXy45warBYRqRo0kgrVszmC7Q' \
--header 'ApiSecret: fvts9N2e5bmxwlDaQgyKiC47j7oxzUyuIqLxYwG1D9mjy2LFWr' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
"productCode": "lcweb",
"email": "",
"productKey": "ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-010B"
Set Trial Information for a Product Key
PATCH http(s)://

Use this endpoint to set trial information for the product key.


productCode(string)(Required):The Code of the Product.

email (string)(Required):The customer’s email address.

productKey(string)(Required):The product key to be set for trial information.

isTrial (boolean) (Optional): Indicates whether the product key is for a trial version.

duration (integer) (Optional): Duration for which the product key is valid (in minutes).

uid (string) (Optional): Unique identifier for the request.


Success Response:

Status Code: 200 OK

Body: Describes the success message or the result of the request.

Error Response:

Status Code: 4xx or 5xx (depending on the type of error)

Body: Describes the error message and possibly error codes.

Example cURL Command
curl --location 'http(s):// ' \
--header 'ApiKey: fPAivCybDEygnaFeifQqZaD8lVXy45warBYRqRo0kgrVszmC7Q' \
--header 'ApiSecret: fvts9N2e5bmxwlDaQgyKiC47j7oxzUyuIqLxYwG1D9mjy2LFWr' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
"productCode": "lcweb",
"email": "",
"productKey": "ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-010B",
"isTrial": true,
"duration": 1000,
"uid": "2K-3G-70-CI-9X-70"
Set Expiry Information for a Product Key
PATCH http(s)://

Use this endpoint to set expiration for the product key.


productCode(string)(Required):The Code of the Product.

email (string)(Required):The customer’s email address.

productKey(string)(Required):The product key that needs to be set for trial information.

uid (string) (Optional): Unique identifier for the request.

expireAt (DateTime) (Optional): Expiry date for the product key. You need to send your datetime with the offset value.


Success Response:

Status Code: 200 OK

Body: Describes the success message or the result of the request.

Error Response:

Status Code: 4xx or 5xx (depending on the type of error)

Body: Describes the error message and possibly error codes.

Example cURL Command
curl --location 'http(s):// ' \
--header 'ApiKey: fPAivCybDEygnaFeifQqZaD8lVXy45warBYRqRo0kgrVszmC7Q' \
--header 'ApiSecret: fvts9N2e5bmxwlDaQgyKiC47j7oxzUyuIqLxYwG1D9mjy2LFWr' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '
"productCode": "lcweb",
"email": "",
"productKey": "ABCD-ABCD-ABCD-010B",
"expireAt": "2024-09-12T14:51:00+05:30",
"uid": "2K-3G-70-CI-9X-70"
Get Trial Information for a Product Key
GET http(s)://

Use this endpoint to get trial information for the product key.


productCode(string)(Required):The Code of the Product.

email (string)(Required):The customer’s email address.

productKey(string)(Required):The product key that needs to be set for trial information.

uid (string) (Optional): Unique identifier for the request.


Success Response:

Status Code: 200 OK

“isTrial”: true,
“duration”: 1500

Response Fields:

isTrial (boolean): Indicates whether the license is a trial. true means it is a trial license.

duration (integer): The duration of the trial in minutes.

Error Response:

Status Code: 4xx or 5xx (depending on the type of error)

Body: Describes the error message and possibly error codes.

Example cURL Command
curl --location 'http(s)://'\
--header 'ApiKey: fPAivCybDEygnaFeifQqZaD8lVXy45warBYRqRo0kgrVszmC7Q' \
--header 'ApiSecret: fvts9N2e5bmxwlDaQgyKiC47j7oxzUyuIqLxYwG1D9mjy2LFWr' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Get Expiry Information for a Product Key
GET http(s)://

Use this endpoint to get expiry information for the product key.


productCode(string)(Required):The Code of the Product.

email (string)(Required):The customer’s email address.

productKey (string)(Required):The product key that needs to be set for trial information.

uid (string) (Optional): Unique identifier for the request.


Success Response for the key which has expiry:

Status Code: 200 OK

“expireAt”: “2024-09-23T00:00:11.8793055+05:30”

Response Fields:

expireAt (DateTime): Gives expiry date time if the key has set expiry.

Success Response for the keys that don’t have expiry:

Status Code: 200 OK

Body: Never Expires.

Error Response:

Status Code: 4xx or 5xx (depending on the type of error)

Body: Describes the error message and possibly error codes.

Example cURL Command
curl --location 'http(s)://'\
--header 'ApiKey: fPAivCybDEygnaFeifQqZaD8lVXy45warBYRqRo0kgrVszmC7Q' \
--header 'ApiSecret: fvts9N2e5bmxwlDaQgyKiC47j7oxzUyuIqLxYwG1D9mjy2LFWr' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Get Current Status for a Product Key
GET http(s)://

Use this endpoint to get the current status of the product key.


productCode(string)(Required):The Code of the Product.

email (string)(Required):The customer’s email address.

productKey(string)(Required):The product key that needs to be set for trial information.

uid (string) (Optional): Unique identifier for the request.


Success Response:

Status Code: 200 OK

    “productKey”: “9KAZ-VKU9-2IJ6-HT20”,
    “status”: “Activated”

Response Fields:

productKey (string): Returns the product key of the request.

status (string): Returns the status of the product key whether it is activated or deactivated.

Error Response:

Status Code: 4xx or 5xx (depending on the type of error)

Body: Describes the error message and possibly error codes.

Example cURL Command
curl --location 'http(s)://'\
--header 'ApiKey: fPAivCybDEygnaFeifQqZaD8lVXy45warBYRqRo0kgrVszmC7Q' \
--header 'ApiSecret: fvts9N2e5bmxwlDaQgyKiC47j7oxzUyuIqLxYwG1D9mjy2LFWr' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
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