API & Routing
To give you better security license web comes with customizable routing for both front end login and REST API.

Portal Route:
This is for your front end login page. Click Edit button and make it something personalized to yours. For example I changed my Portal Route as myadmin124.
From now, I have to access my login page as https://lcweb.yourdomain.com/myadmin124
API Route:
This is where you can customize your REST API routing. Click edit and customize to on your own. For example I changed my API Route as lcwebapi.
From now, I have to access my API as https://lcweb.yourdomain.com/lcwebapi
API Interface:
The API interface is provided for your development purpose. It is built with Open API standards along with swagger interface. The best practice is to turn off when your development is completed or just turn on whenever you need something to refer. Using this interface you can test your API calls within the License Web without need of other tools like postman etc.
You can access your API Interface like https://lcweb.yourdomain.com/swagger/index.html

API Keys:
License web offers key pair method for API authentication where you can create any number of key pairs based on your requirement.

License Web allows you to add number of key pairs because of 2 main scenarios,
1. Product specific Key Pair
In our practice we use separate key pairs for each products. Example, AD Web uses a separate key pair where Agents On uses another one. In fact the License Web uses a specific key pair for this. However this is up to you whereas using the same key pair for all your products cause nothing.
2. Changing Key Pair periodically
Sometimes you want to change the Key Pair on time to time basis. For example, in your new version of your product you want to use new key pair and destroy the old eventually. But still some users use old version of your product, means old key pair is in use. In this case you can create v2 version of key pair and leave the old one until you know your users are upgraded to new version.
Create New Key Pair:
Click Create New to create new API Key Pair.

Give a name for your reference. The API Key and API Secret are generated automatically which you can copy and use with your REST API calls. You can either use Copy Keys from this window or you can just save and copy the keys from the grid at any time.