LC Web

REST API – Overview

The core of License Web is its REST API which is built to match all scenarios. The REST API comes with a swagger interface which itself is a great place to learn, trial and understand each endpoints. You can access your swagger interface as 

As a security measure, you must switch off your API Interface when you are in production. Just turn it only when you need some reference and remember to turn off.

License Web provides REST API endpoints for key(s) creation to activation, deactivation and all other actions that you need to do with your key activation process. It is generally assumed that you sell your product with ecommerce portal and keys are delivered to customer from there. Hence the addKeys endpoint is the start of activation process in most scenarios. However you may use License Web itself as a Key creation and Delivery portal where as you will start with activateLicense endpoint from your product. However that’s up to you where License Web offers endpoints to meet out all scenarios.

Preparation before integration:

It is important that you know your activation process or preferred activation process and plan well before the integration. License Web has all necessary endpoints to meet out your scenario, however it is good you need to go through our API and learn it for a while. However it won’t take more than of 30 minutes for you to learn and observe. If you are developer having better understanding with REST API calls then you can observe and plan well even quicker.

  1. Prepare a flow of your key delivery and activation, deactivation process
  2. Study our API endpoints
  3. Integrate your product with License Web

The detailed documentation of each API endpoints can be explored in next section >>

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