
Managing Multiple Pets

  • Managing multiple Pets assigned to the Owner, An Owner might have 2 or 3 dogs or 2 dogs and 1 Cow, in cases like this, we can see all the Pets assigned to the Owner. On the Pet Owner details we can see all the list of Pets and manage it efficiently.
  • Owners might visit the Clinic with the both the Pets for Vaccination or General check-up, hence if we click on Pet Owners and select View details of the Pet Owner, we can see all the Pets and in case if we need to add new Pet, we can add it from here as well.

Search and Filters:

  • Search: We have a Search Box on Top right to search owners with name, phone number etc for us to pull the Owner record easily. It’s a wild card search box and we can enter text and number field for easy search.
  • Filters: This will help us choose the branch and filter the records easily if we have multiple clinics associated to our account.
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