Masters is a database which contains the list of Animals, Breed, Colour, Disease, Symptom, Visit type, Purpose and Medicines. By default, there will be a pre-defined lists for all the Masters list added to your account and we aim to list all the details for you. Just in case if any details are missed, we have provided an option for you to add to the Masters list and we can see how to add each Masters list below.
NOTE: Masters list database cannot be deleted from your end and in case if you have created an animal and have assigned it to any of the pets, it cannot be deleted as well. If the list is not used under any pets then it can be deleted.

Animals list consists of all the animals that we provide consultation and treatment, basically all pet animals. If you would like to add a new animal;
Click on Add Animal and Create animal by entering all the details such as Animal category, and then select Breed by clicking on Add New Breed and then the default colour and hit submit, this also saves the new Breed added in the Breed Masters List.

Once we submit, we can see the Animals list updated with the new animal we have added.
Same as Animals, when the Animals list are added with Breed, it gets added to the Breed list automatically. In case if we don’t have the Breed, we can just click on Add Breed on top right, enter the Breed name and the associated animal and click on submit.

Once we submit the details, we can see the list of available Breed along with the associated Animals. Here you can see all the Masters list added by the admin and you.
Colour Masters list is basically the colour/coat of the animals, by default we have uploaded most of the colours of the animal, in case if you would like to add a new colour, click on Add Colour on the top right, enter the colour and click submit. Once we submit, we can see the list of all the colours added in our Masters colour list.

Disease Masters list is collection of disease that can happen to Animals, by default we have uploaded the most common disease that occurs and in case if you need to add new Disease, click on Add Disease on top right and enter the disease and click submit, once you click submit you can view all the Disease Master list.

Symptoms Masters list is collection of Symptoms that can happen to Animals, by default we have uploaded the most common Symptoms that occurs and in case if you need to add new Symptoms, click on Add Symptoms on top right and enter the Symptoms and click submit, once you click submit you can view all the Symptoms Master list.

Visit Types:
Visit types means the place where the animals were treated by the Doctor, such has Clinic, Pet Animals home or Farm. Hence these Visit Types are already added in our Masters list. In Case if you would like to add few more types, click on Add Visit Types on top right and enter the details and click submit and you can view all the Visit Types.

Visit Purposes:
Visit Purpose means the purpose of the animals were treated by the Doctor, such has General Checkup, Vaccination, Illness or Treatment. Hence these Visit Purposes are already added in our Masters list. In Case if you would like to add few more types, click on Add Visit Purposes on top right and enter the details and click submit and you can view all the Visit Purposes.

Medicines Masters list will have most common medicines for the animals added in the database already, in case if you need to add Medicines, click on add new Medicine, enter the Medicine name and select the type of Medicine, either it’s a Syrup, Tablet or Injection etc. along with size and click submit. Once submitted we can see the Medicines in the Masters list.

All these Masters list will be mandatory and useful when we add a new Pets and visit to Pets. Also, on each Masters list we have the search box, where we can search for a keyword to search for particular medicine or animals or breed when we have more than 25 rows added in our Master list.