
Messaging from Cards:

  • It’s a simple way to add a new follow-up and messaging the Pet Owners.
  • Click on the what’s app icon, and you can see the messages on Queue, this Pet had follow up added to the visit, hence we see a visit. In case, if its new it will show blank and on top right, lets click on new follow up and send messages
  • New Follow up meaning it’s a new appointment added for the pet for follow up or new appointment for vaccination or illness, reason can be different though. Just need to enter all the details for appointment such as date, time and visit type. From here we can send the appointment notification message immediately to client and reminder as well. We can On and Off the messaging based on the client preferences and also enable only WhatsApp or Email according to the client preference and we can overall stop messaging and reminders to clients.
  • Once we click submit, client will receive the WhatsApp and Email messages.
  • On the Pet Card, click on WhatsApp and we can see the follow ups that we created, from here we can edit and start the consultation or mark has completed, or reschedule the appointment, reschedule button is usually disabled and once we change the date and time and we can click Reschedule.
  • Once we click on reschedule, we can also share the new appointment details to the client via WhatsApp and Email.
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