
Users Role and Access:

  • Click on Add User on Top right corner and enter the name of the user
  • Role – We have three roles that can be assigned to the user, Admin Doctor, Doctor and Assistant
  • Admin Doctor – This role will provide access to all modules and can be the primary user with all access
  • Doctor – This role is similar to Admin Doctor but we can limit the access to billing and subscription and use it only for consultation purpose
  • Assistant – This role will provide access to modules where it requires to create Pets, Pet Owners, Adding Appointments etc but cannot do consultation
  • Enter DOB, Gender, Email, Phone number and user address
  • Qualification is the user’s qualification and License number is the Doctors registration number
  • Specification is the designation of the user
  • Signature can be digital signature where it will be pulled in the templates
  • Branch – based on user we can assign it all branches or any particular branch
  • Default branch can be selected based on our preferences, if we have only one branch, then by default the particular branch will be assigned to all users
  • Access to billing and subscription can be enabled or disabled for the users
  • Click submit to provide access to the user
  • User will receive the login details to the registered email address and upon logging with temporary password, user will be forced to create a new password on their own.
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